Rules to determine player's tournament class |
Players' skills and experience differ substantially so players and tournaments are divided into several classes. Player class and tournament class are closely related. A player of a particular class only may participate in the same class tournament.
The tournament class system is a ladder, with the H class being its lowest level and the A class, the highest. Initially, a player automatically becomes the H class player. His/her ability to climb up the ladder depends on the player's chess-playing skills. The class is changed according to the following simple rules,
- the class is raised one notch if a player comes first in the tournament whose class is not lower than the player's current class or tournaments class is TOP30,
- the class is lowered one notch if a player takes the last place in the 1-st stage of the tournament whose class is the same or lower than the player's current class.
If a tournament class is not indicated, all players can take part in it, irrespective of their class.

Registered players: | 41223 |
Active users: | 14 |
Players online: | 85 |
Teams: | 44 |
Battle games played: | 162816 |
Classic games played: | 253097 |
Current battle games: | 0 |
Current classic games: | 0 |
Battle setups in database: | 63919 |
